1. Computers and Composition Charles Moran Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Field
The Charles Moran Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Field, inaugurated in 2003 in honor of the 20th anniversary of Computers and Composition, recognizes exemplary scholarship and professional service to the field of computers and writing. The award celebrates the history of the field in which the late Charles Moran not only contributed to the profession but also supported the growth of the journal as a valued member of the Computers and Composition Editorial Board. Email letters of nomination for the Charles Moran Award should outlining the candidate’s ongoing contributions to the field in scholarship and service.
2. Computers and Composition Hugh Burns Dissertation Award
To acknowledge and support the growth of scholarship, research, and teaching in our field, we present on an annual basis the Computers and Composition Hugh Burns Award. The Hugh Burns Award acknowledges emerging research that demonstrates impact and innovation, depth of research, and quality of writing. Deadline for nominations should include a letter and a .pdf or e-copy of the dissertation.
3. Computers and Composition Ellen Nold Article Award
The Ellen Nold Award is presented annually for an article or book chapter in computers and composition studies that contributes to the field in innovative, impactful ways, in the spirit of Nold’s original 1975 CCC article “Fear and Trembling: A Humanist Approaches the Computer." Nominations should include a letter outlining impact and an attached copy of the nominated article or chapter.
4. Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award
The Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award honors book-length works that contribute in substantial ways to the field. To nominate a book for the Distinguished Book Award, the nominator must write a letter outlining the ways in which the work contributes to scholarship, research, and teaching in computers and composition, submit the letter and link to a digital book, or to mail, if a print book, three copies of the book (or arrange to have the publisher send copies) to
Kris Blair
McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Duquesne University
600 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
5. Computers and Composition Michelle Kendrick Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship Award
The Computers and Composition Michelle Kendrick Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship Award was inaugurated in 2006 to recognize the creation of outstanding digital productions, digital environments, and/or digital media scholarship. This award recognizes the intellectual and creative effort that goes into such work and celebrates the scholarly potential of digital media texts and environments that may include visuals, video and/or sound, podcast, and other multimodal, multigenred projects. Nominations should include an emailed letter with a link to the online content.