Project Tomorrow
"Two in five students believe online classes are an essential component to education.

Karen Cantor, Dept of Ed
"We need to figure out how we get every student his or her own personal [computer] device."


AUthor Information

Devon Christopher Adams is an English technologist in Arizona whose interests include 21st Century Literacies, Mobile Pedagogy and Instructional Technologies. He can be reached via email or Twitter.


While the open door model focuses on the reentry student, dual enrollment (DE) high school students also take advantage of the opportunities afforded them through this model situated along what the League of Innovation considers a learning swirl of education. As an educator who teaches both high school dual enrollment courses and First Year Composition I’ve become aware of the dichotomous concerns that have emerged between the college professors who fear that dual enrollment is taught by ineffective high school teachers who are divorced from the intricacies of the rhetorical situation taught in the traditional First Year Composition model and the highly qualified high school educators teaching dual enrollment courses who most often hold advanced degrees, have high standards in their courses, and use technologies to enhance the critical pedagogy employed on their end of the open door model for community college composition courses. 

Traditionally, linear education programs fear the connected educational fluidity occuring within a swirl of education through a more organic approach to the P20 model. The learning swirl theory of education (Milliron, 2007), which argues the non-linear progression of open door students in and out of our educational systems, forces educators and students to reconceptualize our understanding of this through the liminal lens of non-traditional students' technology identity. 

This text, based on the dual enrollment aspect of the open door model, will argue for a greater interconnectedness between high school and the post-secondary programs where there emerges a new “hybrid species” (McCrimmon, 2010) of educator who must transform into a facilitator and mediator of transdisciplinary discussions and multi-modal composition creation couched in a rhetorical, multi-modal framework. Moreover, I will discuss the need for programmatic assessment as well as a reframing of course outcomes that takes into account both the operationalized (re)forming of composition courses and the emergence of the Common Core Standards through a technological lens.

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